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The Martyrdom:
The Revenge of Art 1992-1994 Complete Poem
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THE MARTYRDOM: The Revenge of Art 1992-1994, was written in the early nineteen-nineties. It is a Surrealist poem, with modern text, with projective verse, made-up words, and words made of capitals and small letters. It also had traditional verses. It is the story of Julietta and Sebastian, as well as Godriella, Tarketa, Xlara. There are six completed portions and two unfinished. The fi fictional Communist Left, and its 13th President FiLMer MiNerd, in the State of New Jerzip, is confronted by DeMORePs. Originally a computer poem in BASIC, with sound. Here only the text is printed.


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On September 11. 2001 invaded Afghanistan. The Taliban government refused to hand over ‘Osama bin Laden’ whom the United States deemed responsible for 9/11 attacks. The War is traced from then till the end of 2021. George W. Bush was President, he was instrumental in this decision. Causalities in the 20-year War some 176,000. 46,000 civilians, 2,420 US, and 3.576 coalition. Cost $8 trillion. On October 7. 2021 the War officially ended. In 2001 there were 45,000 Taliban, in 2021, 90,000 and 50,000 support elements. The poem also has current events of 2021, and authors life.

Image by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden
ExistMankind 2022
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'ExistMankind 2022' begins with the question "Who created god?" It traces the history of modern Cosmology and physics. 'The Big Bang Theory' it's Limitations, and the solving of them. Particle Accelerators. The transition of how there is more Matter than Antimatter. Dark Matter, Black Holes, Twin Universe, and Biological Creation and the many World Mythogical creations. Vitalism and non-Vitalism, Eternal Intelligence, and Astrobiology. Ending with the Webb Space Telescope.

The Creatures of Prometheus 2021
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The Creatures of Prometheus is the story of the Creation of men and women out of clay, by Prometheus. He had Apollo bestow the arts and medicine on mankind. In the poem, the lives of major poets are some of the Creatures.

Image by Andrey Grinkevich
The Curse of Jesus of Nazareth 2021
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The poem is the result of a high school, and the university courses of the Bible at Xavier, in Cincinnati, and Protestant theology at Temple, Philadelphia. While studying Psychiatry and English they study philosophy and great literature and observe the ancient and contemporary world. The conclusion is that religions are the source of War and hatred, and legend or mythology.

Prometheus the Firebringer: 1985
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​The myth of Prometheus tells of a powerful Greek Titan who stole fire from Olympus and brought it to Earth as a gift to mankind. He was punished for lighting the world, and modern artists sometimes suffer the same fate. They bring enlightenment only to be shunned; they share parts of themselves only to go mad in the giving. Yet, creation continues, no matter the cost. Sweigart’s creative words bring the text alive, and vivid descriptions allow readers to feel pain and despair as well as hear music in their imaginations. The work is challenging in the best of ways as poems entertain until the final page. Prometheus brought light to a dark world, just like artists who pay the price for their brilliance but continue creating anyway.

The Anti-Christ A Falu: 1978-1979
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The Antichrist, 'A falu' was written in 1978 in Collingwood, NJ, and in 1979 in Hungary and Italy. It uses both fictional and real-life information to create the story. A falu (A folktale in Hungarian (Magyar). The setting is during the Carter administration in the late 1970s. As a result of the economic situation, especially the oil rationing, I had to sell my house purchased in 1975. While in Hungary and Italy, the revolution took place in Iran. The poem depicts this situation. And while in Italy the great Nuclear armament agreement by President Carter, I read about this in an Italian newspaper and enclose an excerpt from it. The situation in Hungary was mixed.

The Lives of the Virgins 2015
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The Lives of the Virgins 2015 was written in part about the visit of the poet to Italy, Greece, and his fictitious environment in Southern New Jersey.

Image by Rebe Adelaida
Jason 1974

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JASON 1974, was written in part on a journey to Italy, and later as a result of his studies at Temple University. Majoring in modern poetry, Pound and Joyce, and renaissance of Spencer and Shakespeare. He studied Greek and Roman poetry in translation, as well as Hungarian in the original.

The Triumph of Death 1990
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It is primarily about World War II in Europe. It deals with the French Revolution and the building of Eastern European Socialism. His life and Reagan years. The only text of the computer poem is presented.


Stephen Sweigart wrote this poem as his first computer poem in BASIC. In the late 1980s. After one semester at graduate school at Temple University, he studied Computer programming at a county Community college. He is now retired working part-time after 40 years full-time. He plays classical piano, and is an audiophile and gardener.

Image by Cora Leach
From Home: 2022
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'From home' was written in the house author has lived since 1985, in New Jersey, seven miles from Philadelphia. In his listening and writing room, an addition in 2008, to his home. A long poem comprised of short poems on his thoughts, about life, and the world.


At time of writing the poem, the author was 73 years old.  BA English, Temple University. One semester of graduate school. Studied Psychiatry at Xavier and University of Pennsylvania. NJ Secondary and Securities Certificates. An audiophile and gardener.

Image by Kevin Olson
Rome 1972
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Roma 1972 was written in Italy in fall 1972. With Temple University in Rome. As a credited creative writing course. The poem begins in Pisa on a tour of Italy. Then the poet toured the city of Rome on his own. Writing about art works, and monuments. He received 3 credits and an 'A'.

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